Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and sole traders

7.42m+ clients experience banking excellence by us. Trusted services, customer focused solutions, and a legacy of financial reliability.

  • Free plan available
  • Full data privacy compliance
  • 100% transparent costs
  • Commitment-free
  • Real-time spending overview
  • Debit Mastercard included

Small- to medium-sized businesses

We're here to help you build, manage & protect your wealth.

  • Easy transfers
  • Deposit checks instantly
  • A powerful open API
  • Coverage around the world
  • Business without borders
  • Affiliates and partnerships

Large or enterprise level businesses

International banking provides global financial services, including cross-border transactions, currency exchange, and offshore investments.

  • Corporate Cards
  • International Payments
  • Automated accounting
  • Request Features
  • Premium Support
  • Direct Debit

Compare us with others

Sentri Credit Bank bring enormous features for easy banking.

Packages Freelancer Householder Business Man
Control payout timing
Transparent payouts
Automate evidence submission
Collaboration notes
Deposit tagging
Technical support over IRC
24×7 support

Our Features

What we're known for at Sentri Credit Bank.

Incredible infrastructure

We use industry standard software and dedicated infrastructures.

Email notifications

Stay updated, we get you informed instantly whether you're transfering or accessing your account 24/7.

Simple dashboard

With our simplified dashboard, we always ensure our users enjoy best of experience with our simplified user interface.

Information retrieval

With RestAPI or GrapQL, enterprise can access our vast API and integrate our application on their platform.

Pension Scheme

Pension schemes ensure financial security during retirement years for eligible individuals. Retirement pensions provide financial security for qualifying individuals.

International Multi-Currency Visa & Master Card

International banking provides global financial services, including cross-border transactions, currency exchange, and offshore investments.

Easy Payment to borrow free get a better filling at home

We offer personal, business, automobile, and residentials loans. whatever your need, we have you covered. .

Get Started
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We always try to understand customers expectation

You choose to bank with us, we are committed to making it more fun and versatile by delivering the revolution of digital banking right at your fingertips.









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What customers say about Us

See how will put smile on the face of our diverse clients.

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Our team is here to answer your question about Sentri Credit Bank

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More that 7.2 million businesses and organizations use Sentri creditt

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You can find all the thing you need to payout

Sentri creditt BANK prides itself on providing quality products and services for businesses in our community.